AOCFP news
The joint career event of AOCFP and Association of Chinese Professionals in Denmark (ACED) was a success
AOCFP member, Prof. of Huazhong Agricultural University appointed as Editor for Food Chemistry Journal
AOCFP Successfully Hosted 2023 Christmas Career Salon
AOCFP-Foodjob Nordic joint webinar: How to find a job in Europe food industry
AOCFP visited the School of Food Science and Technology at Jiangnan University
AOCFP 2023 Shanghai Offline Networking Event
Nestle The Accelerator China Webinar was successfully held
2022 Overseas Chinese Food Tech Talents Career Conference successfully held
AOCFP 2022 offline forum was sucessfully held
AOCFP became No.60 member of Federation of Chinese Professional Associations in Europe (FCPAE)
Researcher of CTH, member of AOCFP Haizhou Wu selected as winner of 2021 European Young Lipid Scient
NCSF-AOCFP joint event: Entering& doing business in China/北欧中国创业者论坛-AOCFP联合讲座:外资企业如何进入中国
2021"Win the Future" Venture Contest for Intl. Entrepreneurs- European Division Food Tech field
AOCFP career webinar: How to choose post-corona epidemic era, staying overseas or returning to China
走近国内益生菌产业:蔚蓝生物介绍暨山东人才引进政策讲座/China Probiotics Industry&Market Introduction Webinar successfully held
“杭州未来科技城人才和项目引进信息发布会”成功举办/Future Sci-Tech City talent& project introduction seminar sucessfully hold
“海外食品华人协会”联合“丹麦食品王国” 带大家深入探索丹麦食品产业/Denmark Food Nation gave a deepdive of Danish food sector
"海外食品华人协会" 海外硕士求职分享会成功举办/AOCFP "Overseas Job Seeking Experience Sharing-MSc session"
协会成员黄宏刚博士接受丹麦糖尿病学会采访/AOCFP member Dr. Honghang Huang was interviewed by Danish Diabetes Academy
海外食品华人协会应邀成为中国非公医协-临床营养专业委员会创会成员/AOCFP becomes founding member of CNMIA
"海外食品华人协会" 海外博士求职分享会成功举办/AOCFP successfully held webinar-"Overseas Job Seeking Experience Sharing"
“海外食品求职”专版正式发布,欢迎关注!/AOCFP launched "Food Job" platform
AOCFP联合“丹麦湖南总商会”和“旅丹华人专业人士协会ACED”在线讲座/ AOCFP webinar:How to start a food trading company in Denmark?
“海外食品学术速递” 平台启动,欢迎您的投稿/AOCFP launch new “AOCFP Research Express”
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:中国罐头产业的前世、今生和展望 /AOCFP webinar: Past, present& prospect of China canned food industry
里程碑:“海外食品华人协会”成为官方注册机构/ Milestones: "AOCFP" became registered association
喜讯: 协会成员晋级青岛海外人才创新创业项目大赛欧洲总决赛/AOCFP member entered Overseas Talents Innov& Entr Comp European finals
AOCFP线上嘉宾论坛:新冠疫情对于食品供应链、生产和物流的影响/ AOCFP online forum: Impact of Covid-19 on food supply chain
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:北欧资深猎头谈在北欧食品行业求职/ "AOCFP" webinar: How to find a job in northern Europe food industry
协会参加苏州相城区政府考察团来丹考察交流活动/AOCFP participated meeting with delegation of Suzhou city visiting Denmark
“海外食品华人协会” 哥本哈根站新年线下主题研讨会圆满成功/AOCFP conference was hold successfully in Copenhagen
AOCPF参加第13届国际工程与食品大会(ICEF)-热点直播/ AOCFP participated 13th ICEF conferance- key takeaways
“海外食品华人协会” 主题讨论会:海外食品硕士方向选择
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:连线丹麦知名乳企Mille Food创始人/Founder of Mille Food talked about his entrepreneurial journey
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:江苏省产业技术研究院-让全球创新进入中国的桥梁/JITRI-bridge between global innovations and China
“海外食品华人协会” 访问中丹创新中心/AOCFP visited China Denmark Innovation House
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:婴儿营养产业和市场剖析/Expert from AFI telling global baby nutrition industry
“海外食品华人协会” 访问丹麦最大的农业食品产业园Agro Food Park/ AOCFP visited Agro Food Park
“海外食品华人协会”在线讲座:PacBio创始人做客协会分享他的人才招聘心得/PacBio CTO shared his view of talents with AOCFP members
“海外食品华人协会” 主题讨论会:海外食品博士方向选择、陶瓷与未来就业